Tammy Ng's profile

Undermount University Website

 Welcome to The Crypt!
When first thinking of what to create, my friends and I play table top games similar to Dungeons & Dragons. Our game master, "The Dean" expressed how she would have loved to have her idea of "The Crypt" became an actual website. Hence why I started to think about what to do or make. Each of the characters I have used are all the characters we all have imagined how they would look in real life. 
Originally when I started coding, I wanted to adapt an idea where it was a old school blog website. Having each of the characters over top of one another, and as you hovered over each one, you could read a small description of the characters and who they were. It started to become more complicated and it was going to take too much time as I was already short on time. My second attempt was to highlight each of the characters in their own section, and then show small back stories. I then reread the instructions we had to do, and realized that it didn't match what I was going for. So instead I switched it up to where it was a school website of the fantasy University we were all attending. 
Each of the photos resized and edited with a purple gradient as the theme of the game was more dark and mysterious, and I really enjoyed the purple color scheme. 
Both the form and the products were difficult for me to produce. I had scratched multiple different codes to have it where I wanted it, while implementing Javascript as I haven't had before. It wasn't until I did endless amount of research on some basic forms and products that I was able to figure some small factors. Validating the form was the hardest until I was able to get some extra help from our professor. 
It was very difficult, and I had a huge growth in experience when it came to this project. I have made my own personal projects in between classes, but having to implement Javascript was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Its very rewarding and I can't wait to learn more. It definitely takes a lot of patience and retesting your codes over and over again. I am very happy with my project and can't wait to experiment with more. 
Undermount University Website

Undermount University Website
